Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Toothpick Time

if (brain)

I think that pretty much sums it up...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Not that I'm counting the days or anything...

I figure that this is an appropriate time (if one ignores that I've known this for more than a week) to announce that I'm in Waterloo next term as I got an RA job with one of the mech eng profs.

I will be in Waterloo and not run off my feet! More importantly, I will be in Waterloo when the yarn harlot comes to talk to the K-W knitters' guild. (Must remember to join). (No offense Amy. You're cool, but you're not Steph).

Don't actually have time now to write more. Scott may have fixed numerical methods (we have a bouncy ball. Well... when we don't have flubber that is), but I still have 2B to survive. (Hopefully).

On that note - I will talk to you when I invite you to the halfway point party. If not before.