Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wish I'd had a Camera

Across from Kitchener City Hall is the Public Utilities Building.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I start toe-up socks using figure 8 cast on. On 5 dpns. I am either really crazy, or else effortlessly skilled. Either way, you should all be scared!

Friday, February 01, 2008


There is nothing quite like realise that the last couple hundred stitches were done in knit when they should have been purl.

Tinking lace is not cool.

Winter Term

Ok, so the winter term is officially the least productive one around. Not only has the senate decided to saddle us with a full week of no class (yes, I am still incredibly bitter that they never gave us a reason for giving a full week rather than getting rid of the half week), but we get snow days. At least this time I don't think anyone's going to ask us to make up the missed lectures.